Still can't play frisbee (next Thursday I will get operated to fix my ACL) but still rocking out the parties. Had to cancel the Interflug 2010 in Berlin because due to work I would have just been able to fly in for the party which is a bit much for just a hobby. But last weekend …
Time I post another playlist. I played at the party for the BUM at the Mauersegler in Berlin. I came on after Scottie at around 3am. Since I was feeling a bit tired myself and the dance floor seemed ready for a beating, I pull out all cans of whoop ass in my collection. I think …
I released the final version of the first track I produced. It uses samples that came bundled with my Novation Launchpad as well as some free sounds available for Native Instruments Kore Player. I recorded the track using Ableton Live 8 and the above mentioned Launchpad a few months ago. The track has been collecting dust …
I have blogged about this topic before. My tool chain these days consists of iTunes, Quicktags and beaTunes. I use beaTunes to clean up typos and unintended differences in names, especially in stuff I download from my music blog aggregator. I also use the key detection and then switch the keys to camelot notation by sorting …
I really have huge admiration for the MIDI Fighter project over on DJTT. The fact that everything is open source, the fact that they are wrecking their brain over trying to push the boundaries of digital Djing is just very inspiring. But even still I decided to go with the Launchpad mainly because it also has …