Things are uhm happening!


I guess I have stopped dipping .. instead I just dove right in. Last weekend I started my very first track, albeit assembled by various loops that came bundled with my newly bought Launchpad and a few sounds that are available for free for the Kore Player and a few audio effects in Ableton. Feel free check out the current latest version on soundcloud. I do appreciate feedback, but there is obviously still so much for me to learn. But I am still quite proud of these first steps!

Anyways god how I love my Launchpad. Makes working with Ableton so much more fun. Plus I found various ways to push the Launchpad way beyond the out of the box experience. On youtube I found a simple guide for how to make the Launchpad an iterative drum machine. I expanded it to use the different colors support on the Launchpad to be able to work with two drum kits in parallel. But that was just the beginning, after that I stumbled over a linear and a ripple sequencer and even cooler a port of monome running on top of the free Max runtime with the ingenious name nonome.

On top of that I finally announced the DJ map app I have been working on together with two co-workers at Liip based on the discussions I had with Ean Golden last May and September when we met in Berlin and San Francisco. The idea is to enable like minded DJ's to also find each other in the physical world. We might even throw in an event and store finder, but the app isn't finished yet by any stretch. So I invite you all to either join the discussion on the DJTT forums or post your comments here.


Just finished relativly similar mapping webapp. Need help?

2010-01-26 11:37 pm

DJ Suicide Dive

Sure, you can see the open task list on the wiki. Do you have experience with Symfony and/or YUI?

2010-01-27 7:00 am


Ow, no. I do all my stuff with pure PHP (or codeigniter) and jQuery. (PS: I'm not receiving automated reply notification for follow-up comments, shouldn't it be on?)

2010-01-27 7:51 pm

DJ Suicide Dive

Hehe .. well Symfony is a given for me, but if someone rips out the YUI code and finishes off things with jQuery I can live with that .. as long as I do not have to touch Javascript.

Notifications I need to try to get to work one of these days. So far I have only gotten Habari to send me notifications.

2010-01-27 7:55 pm

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