Getting back into it

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I have this tendency to take on tasks for others when I see that I can help them move along their own visions. This is very rewarding in a lot of ways and also means that there are plenty of people ready to help me when I need them. However it also means that my private projects also often have to take a back seat. So my music hobby has been suffering a lot lately. But I am determined to turn that around! I bought myself an Akai LDP8 for my birthday. Really loving it, thought I still need to put together a mapping of my own or just try out the one publish in the DJTT forums. Anyways more importantly I spend time looking at Ean's recent AeroDynamic routine video. Very fun stuff, simple yet inspiring. It got me thinking about making a mix of The Bloody Beatroots songs Warp 1.9 and Cornelius, though I am looking for another power track to incorporate. This might just become the first mix I will record and publish. Stay tuned :)


I must complain, mz music has also suffered a lot.
On the other hand, apstinence from mixing brings some good stuff when you re-start this doing. At least for me it does.
Hope to hear that sound soon.

2009-11-25 2:40 am

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